Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Color Study - Brown

I chose the color brown because there is a ton of it in Rexburg. I tried to stick with more bronze shades rather than just flat brown.

1. Wheel
2. May 1, 2010 6:00 at night
3. Rexburg, Idaho

1. Fenced in
2. May 2, 2010 at 7:00 in the morning
3. Rexburg, Idaho
4. This might have been too early to take photos. I had a difficult time finding light without having too many shadows.

1. Crickety Bridge
2. May 2, 2010 at 7:30 in the morning
3. Rexburg, Idaho
4. I like this photograph because I think this is a gorgeous place in Rexburg and not everyone knows about it.

1. Rusty fence
2. May 1, 2010 at 6:00 in the afternoon
3. Rexburg, Idaho
4. I enlisted the help of my best friend Michael. He came with me to shoot some photos but refused to be in any of them. I had to take this one really quickly.


  1. I like how you decided to do brown for your color study! There definitely is an abundance of it here in Rexburg... My favorite shot was the wheel by the water. The water has a brownish hue to it so it plays well with the colors.

  2. Great choice on the color, I think that most people don't do it because it is hard to make it interesting. I really like the last photograph and how the bridge and the color really become the dominant color.
